Backpacking Travel Post

From Saturday to Yesterday I was backpacking in Wyoming with some of my family. We went to a place called the Wind Rivers which I already wrote about a few weeks ago. I went with my Dad, my Brother, some of my cousins, and my Grandpa. Getting to the wind rivers is tough it is very steep at some parts and it is almost 9 miles long! It also didn’t help that we all only got 3 and a half hours of sleep the night before the hike and we were all carrying packs that were around 30 pounds. I still don’t know how we did it but we did somehow. When we got to our spot we set up our tents and hammocks and just hung out for a few hours then we went fishing. I know what your thinking, “Fishing? You like to go fishing?” No not really but, the fishing in the Wind Rivers is so good, if you go at the right time of day you might catch a fish every other cast. Also it’s more fun when it’s with your cousins, I still hate having to hold the fish to take the hook out though. The next day we took a little hike to a hidden lake and went fishing there, on our way back my cousin found that all of the red bushes all over the ground were wild blueberry bushes! So we picked a few and ate them hoping that we wouldn’t die in the next few minutes, and we didn’t so I think that they were safe.

The next day we went on a sketchy hike (climb) up a literal mini mountain to get to a little lake. I almost fell to my immediate death a few times but yeah, the lake was pretty! Then the next day (yesterday) we packed up and hiked back, then drove another 5 hours home and here I am at school writing about it. Overall, it was super fun and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to carry all of the stuff they live off of for 3+ days on their backs on a hike. It is absolutely beautiful up there and I was so sad when I had to come back home. 9/10 would recommend.